Filterable Options
Geo: States, Counties, Zip Codes
Date Options: 2-15, 16-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120, 121+
Jornaya ID: Yes or No
Property Type: Single Family, Multi Family, Condo, Townhouse
Desired Loan Amount:
Mortgage Rate
Purpose of Refinance: Cash Out, Rate & Term, Debt Consolidation
Credit: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor
VA Eligible: Yes or No
FHA: Yes or No
Acceptable Return Reasons
- Lead doesn't meet criteria on signed invoice
- Phone number is not active (ex. fax#, number not service, etc.)
Helpful Notes
- Lead Delivery is emailed to the customer in bulk via CSV file
- Lead Delivery typically takes 1-2 business days
Heres is what you need for an order
All Filterable options that apply
Delivery email
Customer’s Suppression ( if applicable)